


There were injuries alleged in three cases in 2015, and a fourth incident in September, according to the safety recall report. After meeting with US regulators in October, the firm decided to issue a voluntary recall.
There were injuries alleged in three cases in 2015, and a fourth incident in September, according to...

Show Tooltip

There were injuries alleged in three cases in 2015, and a fourth incident in September, according to the safety recall report. After meeting with US regulators in October, the firm decided to issue a voluntary recall.
There were injuries alleged in three cases in 2015, and a fourth incident in September, according to...

通过设置 length 属性指定文本最长长度,如果超过这个长度会自动截取。

expand code expand code
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

import { EllipsisComponent } from '@yelon/abc/ellipsis';

  selector: 'components-ellipsis-number',
  template: `
    <ellipsis length="100">{{ article }}</ellipsis>
    <h4 class="mt-lg">Show Tooltip</h4>
    <ellipsis length="100" tooltip>{{ article }}</ellipsis>
  imports: [EllipsisComponent]
export class ComponentsEllipsisNumberComponent {
  article =
    'There were injuries alleged in three cases in 2015, and a fourth incident in September, according to the safety recall report. After meeting with US regulators in October, the firm decided to issue a voluntary recall.';

There were injuries alleged in three cases in 2015, and a fourth incident in September, according to the safety recall report. After meeting with US regulators in October, the firm decided to issue a voluntary recall.

There were injuries alleged in three cases in 2015, and a fourth incident in September, according to the safety recall report. After meeting with US regulators in October, the firm decided to issue a voluntary recall.


通过设置 lines 属性指定最大行数,如果超过这个行数的文本会自动截取。但是在这种模式下所有 ng-content 将会被转换成纯文本。


expand code expand code
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

import { EllipsisComponent } from '@yelon/abc/ellipsis';

  selector: 'components-ellipsis-line',
  template: `
    <ellipsis lines="3" tooltip style="width: 200px">
        There were injuries alleged in three <a href="#cover">cases in 2015</a>, and a fourth incident in September,
        according to the safety recall report. After meeting with US regulators in October, the firm decided to issue a
        voluntary recall.
  imports: [EllipsisComponent]
export class ComponentsEllipsisLineComponent {}


